
Auswahl abgeschlossener Projekte

Oprava TV v úseku Stará Boleslav (mimo) – Dřísy (včetně)

Rekonstrukce dopravny Janovice u Trutnova


Stavební úpravy kolejiště střední skupiny Praha Jih – realizace

Teplice nad Metují


Oprava osvětlení v žst. Trutnov střed

Uzel Plzeň, 5.stavba - Lobzy - Koterov


DEPOT Slovany

Design, material delivery and assembly of

* OCL including rem.ctrl. system for disconnectors 750 V

* Rigid catenary incl. its rem.ctrl. system for horizontal moovement

* hydraulic switches and DEPOT control system


Increase of railway speed in the section Oldřichov u Duchcova - Bílina

whole lighting arrangement within the raailway station. the delivery includes fundaments, poles, contor units as well as software instalation,...


Plzeň, 5. part Lobzy - Koterov

Elektroline realized a modern LED lighting on a pedestrian bridge


Reconstruction of OCL in OCÚ ZÁPAD, SÚ Plzeň

Elektroline a.s. was responsible for reconstruction overhead contact line ARCAS-EL in the Rail Vehicle Depot Pilsen.


Velim - Poříčany, BC

Elektroline was responsible for the complete supply and installation of the overhead contact line system 25 kV AC (ARCAS-EL) at the railway station Pačejov.

Elektroline was also responsible for the complete supply and installation of electric switch heating system (ESHS), public lighting including the RDOOS/EOV control board.


Jihlava Sever - Pávovská street

Elektroline build as a general contractor a new, 6 km long, TBUS line. The delivery scope includes design, material delivery and assembly of OCL line, fundations, poles and feeding stations inclusive feeding cables. The line was finished within only 12 months.